Scan the QR code for more information and a full list of our frequently asked questions EmeraldEXPLORER Reap the rewards of your travels. Our EmeraldEXPLORER loyalty club entitles you to exclusive benefits and savings. As you sail the world’s iconic waterways, making everlasting memories accrue loyalty points, ensuring you save on future adventures. Clothing We recommend casual and comfortable clothing. For sightseeing and walking tours, we advise comfortable footwear. In winter, a warm coat will be required, as will gloves and water-resistant shoes. Dinner is an informal affair; relaxed eveningwear is perfect. On certain evenings, such as the Welcome and Farewell Dinners, guests may like to wear more formal attire. Wi-Fi Wi-Fi connection, availability, and speed will vary depending on the ship’s position and the number of connected users. Wi-Fi can be slow to use, and there may be occasions when no signal is available. On board currency On board, any accounts can be paid in cash using Euros, or transactions can be made by either debit or credit card payment. American Express cards are not accepted. Travel Insurance We strongly advise you to take out adequate and appropriate travel insurance, including cover against loss of deposit or cancellation fees. Please read your policy details carefully and take them with you on your cruise. It’s your responsibility to ensure that the cover you purchase is suitable and adequate for your needs and the cost of your holiday. Health & Vaccinations Health facilities, hygiene, and disease risks vary worldwide. To ensure your safety throughout your cruise, seek advice regarding your specific health requirements as early as possible. For the most up to date information please visit If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or mobility difficulties, you should inform us at the time of booking. Plug sockets and voltage On board electricity is 220v and a European plug adaptor will be needed to use electrical items. All rooms have a hair dryer. Sun Deck The Sun Deck’s operational hours may be limited due to the passage through low bridges or other restrictions by local authorities. This may mean that the deck is completely closed for a period of sailing time on certain rivers. Mobility Emerald Cruises welcomes disabled guests but wishes all guests to be aware of the limitations that could exist both on board and during shore excursions. The lifts on our ships service three out of four decks, with the Sun Deck only accessible via stairs. Under appropriate circumstances, guests are welcome to use collapsible wheelchairs on board. Many tours require the use of coaches, meaning guests need to be able to climb up and down the stairs to board. Some shore excursions may require movement over cobblestones or up and down stairs; accordingly, guests with limited mobility will require the services of a responsible companion to be travelling with them, since crew availability is limited. If you have any medical, physical, or other special needs; please contact our travel advisors for further information. Water levels Cruise itineraries may vary if high or low water levels, flooding, lock closure, unscheduled vessel maintenance, or any other unforeseen, uncontrollable circumstances require us to make alterations. If sailing isn’t possible, we’ll minimise the impact this has upon your holiday by making alternate arrangements for the duration of the itinerary. This could mean arranging coach transfers, organising ship swaps, providing hotel accommodation or finding alternative attractions to visit – all of which are weather dependent. What does an itinerary deviation look like? How could it impact my trip? Minor Disruptions Minor disruptions may occur during the cruise. This could include for example an inability to sail for part of the day, using coaches to transfer guests to an alternative Star-Ship or changing ports of embarkation/disembarkation to an alternative destination. Changes to itinerary Coaches may be used to transfer guests, while continuing to be accommodated on your Star-Ship. A disruption may also require the Star-Ships to continuously cruise without stopping for sightseeing. Alternative accommodation Accommodation may need to be provided off-ship in hotels with all meals provided. To the best of our ability, we ensure hotels are of similar standard to your Star-Ship. Meals will be included, however, alcoholic drinks and amenities such as butler service, may or may not be included. Scan the QR code for more information on our EmeraldEXPLORER loyalty club BACK TO CONTENTS CLICK HERE for more information and a full list of our frequently asked questions CLICK HERE for more information CLICK HERE for further details 93